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1 Measures initiated by the Department/ Centre for the  promotion of gender equity during 2019-23  During the previous few years, the department organised a number of initiatives to advance mathematics in society. These programs were specifically designed to help female students to overcome their Mathematics phobia. Mathematics, University of Kashmir (uok.edu.in)
2 Efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment i.e., tolerence and harmony towards cultural, regional, linguistic, communal socioeconomic and other diversities The department believes in equality of all cultures and traditions as is evident from the fact that students belonging to different caste, religion, regions are studying without any discrimination. Girls common room with all facilities for girl stuents and scholars. https://maths.uok.edu.in/Main/ViewPage.aspx?Page=GCR1 
3 Sensitization of students and employees to the constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens The department organises regular programs to educate girl students about their legal rights. Also seminars and workshops are conducted on days of national importance on various rights, duties and responsibilities of students. Seminars on topics like Right to Information, Sexual Harassment, and Gender Equity are conducted periodically.
4 Celebration/ organizing of national and international commemorative days, events and festivals The Department celebrates National Mathematics Day of Mathematics every year on 22nd December in order to highlight the importance of mathematics in various fields of science to commomorate the great Indian Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. Mathematics, University of Kashmir (uok.edu.in)
5 Two best practices successfully implemented by the Department 1.  The Department aims to foster student’s interest in creative thinking and research in mathematical sciences and related fields. The department's best practices are designed to allow students to actively participate in grasping the principles of their topic as well as their societal obligations. The Department aims to prepare students to be good professionals in their field and valued citizens who will play important roles in the future of the society in which they study. As a result, we prioritise the ongoing development of knowledge, skills, and an innovative spirit.                                                                                                                    2. The Department invites its notable alumni, who are working as academics, civil servants, and others who have constructively contributed to the development of society, to interact with students and share their experiences. These sessions provide students with confidence, a feeling of togetherness, a sense of the department’s history, and the value of generations. The former students and teachers of the Department provide career guidance to the current students and give them a sense of direction to prepare for their careers particularly in mathematics. These interactions create a sense of responsibility in the current and former students of the Department towards their educational institution. Mathematics, University of Kashmir (uok.edu.in)
6 Portay the performance of the department in the area distinctive to its priority and thrust In addition to teaching, learning, and assessment, the department aims to promote diverse overall growth. In order to achieve academic excellence,  the faculty members of the department strive for it  and go beyond teaching. Mathematics, University of Kashmir (uok.edu.in)