Role of Alumni for the welfare of the Department:





Prof. B. A. Zargar, Former HOD & Regional Coordinator-Kashmir, Math Olympiad has donated 22 book titles to the Library)[Click for the Details]

Prof. MA Sofi, former HOD, donated 21 copies of Resonance journal of Science Education) [Click for the Details].

Prof. MA Sofi, former HOD, has delivered series of lectures to the students of MA/M.Sc. 3rd Semester in 2023. [Click for the details].

As a regular feature the department invites Alumni of the Department for the extension lectures and Career Counselling Sessions. [Prof. MA SofiMr. M Ashraf Magray (JKB Manager) Prof. Fouzia QaziMr. Mushtaq A Lone (KAS)Prof. MH GulzarProf. NA Rather, Prof. BA Zargar]







Forty two (42) book titles received from the family of Late Prof. A. Aziz, Former HOD. [Click for the Details]

