Self-Study Report (SSR) - Criterion-1
Information to be submitted by Departments/Directorates/Centres for Each Programme Offered
1 Department/Directorate/Centre/Institute:                                                         MATHEMATICS
2 Name of the Programme Offered:                                                       Master's in MATHEMATICS
3 Departmental website link of the complete/updated syllabus: Updated  Syllabus [Full Details of Syllabus, click at the link]
4 Number of Courses in the Programme? 41
5A Number of New Courses introduced in the Programme since 2019? 7
5B List of New Courses introduced since 2019:
Course Code Course Title Brief Description
MM18001GE Numerical Methods Students will be able to utilize numerical computation libraries and software tools that facilitate the implementation of complex numerical methods.
MM18002GE Complex Variables Complex Variables course typically focus on developing students' understanding of complex numbers, functions, and their applications in various fields.
MM18002OE Matrix Algebra Matrix Algebra course typically focus on developing students' understanding of matrix operations, properties, and applications in various mathematical and scientific contexts.
MM18003GE Laplace and Fourier transform The proposed course can help the students to use the techniques of Laplace transform in real life problems.
MM18003OE Introduction to Mathematical Modelling To apply mathematical and statistical techniques including ODES/PDES, numerical methods, hypothesis testing, regression, matrices etc. in the biological systems for their optimal solutions.
MM18004OE Discrete Mathematics To introduce the student to various concepts of Boolean Algebra and Lattices to be applied in day to day problems related to networking structure, transportation problems etc.
5C Departmental website link in support of New Courses introduced in the Programme since 2019.
6A Dates of syllabus revisions during the last five years. (2019-2023)

Meeting held: December 24, 2020

(Batch 2021 and onwards)


& Course work for PhD Scholars-2023 onwards

Meeting held: May 31, 2023 (NEP-2020 scheme)


Meeting held: October 4, 2023

MA/M.Sc. Mathematics (Batch 2024 and onwards)

6B Departmental website link in support of syllabus revisions.
7 Are Programme Outcomes (POs) clearly mentioned in the syllabus? (Y/N) Y
8 Are the Course Outcomes (COs) mentioned for each course of the programme? (Y/N) Y
9A Does POs & COs have relevance to local, regional & global developmental needs? (Y/N) Y
9B List of courses addressing Local Needs:
Course Code Course Title Brief Justification
MM 18206DCE Operation Research Operations Research (OR) is a field of study that uses mathematical models and analytical methods to solve complex decision-making problems. The application of Operations Research can indeed be tailored to address local needs, offering specific advantages to communities, businesses, and organizations.
MM 18207DCE Mathematical Modelling  Mathematical modeling is a powerful tool that can be applied to address various local needs and challenges. By using mathematical representations of real-world situations, decision-makers can gain insights, make predictions, and optimize strategies for addressing specific issues. 
MM 18404CR Linear Algebra Linear algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with vector spaces and linear mappings between these spaces. Linear algebra is fundamental to statistical methods and data analysis. In local contexts, this can be applied to analyze data related to demographics, economics, public services, and more. Understanding relationships between variables through linear algebraic techniques can inform decision-making processes.
MM18001OE Calculus Calculus, as a branch of mathematics, provides a framework for understanding and modeling change. Its applications extend across various fields, and it can contribute to addressing local needs in Economic Analysis, Public Health Planning, Environmental Management.
9C List of courses addressing Regional Needs:
Course Code Course Title Brief Justification
MM 18206DCE OPERATIONS RESEARCH This will develop a solid understanding of optimization techniques and concepts, including linear and nonlinear programming, integer programming, and dynamic programming.
MM18205DCE THEORY OF NUMBERS It typically focus on more advanced topics in number theory, including deeper exploration of properties of integers, prime numbers, and applications.
MM 18004OE DISCRETE MATH To introduce the student to various concepts of Boolean Algebra and Lattices to be applied in day to day problems related to networking structure, transportation etc.
MM18002GE COMPLEX VARIABLES Complex Variables course typically focus on developing students' understanding of complex numbers, functions, and their applications in various fields.
MM 18002OE MATRIX ALGEBRA Matrix Algebra course typically focus ondeveloping students' understanding of matrix operations, properties, and applications in various mathematical and scientific contexts.
MM18301CR/ MM18401CR Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations can help all disciplines of Science, Technology, Social Science, Humanities to understand dynamics of various processes taking place in their respective systems.
9D List of courses addressing Global Needs:
Course Code Course Title Brief Justification
MM24102CR Real Analysis However, real analysis provides a solid mathematical foundation that supports various scientific, technological, and economic endeavors with global implications.
MM24103CR Topology Topology, a branch of mathematics that studies the properties of space that are preserved under continuous deformations such as stretching and bending. Its influence can be observed in various areas that contribute to global advancements like in Networks and Communication etc.
MM 18402CR Differential Geometry  Differential geometry, a field of mathematics that uses techniques from calculus and linear algebra to study the geometry of smooth curves and surfaces, has a range of applications that can address global needs in various ways: General Relativity and Cosmology, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Robotics and Autonomous Systems etc.
MM24303CR Functional Analysis Functional analysis, a branch of mathematics that generalizes the concepts of vector spaces and linear operators to more abstract spaces and operators, has several applications that can address global needs in various ways: Quantum Mechanics and Physics, Signal Processing and Communication, Optimization and Decision-Making etc.
MM 24203CR Complex Analysis Complex analysis, a branch of mathematics that deals with functions of complex variables, has applications that contribute to global needs in various ways: Electrical Engineering and Physics, Fluid Dynamics and Weather Modeling, Medical Imaging and Biophysics etc. 
10A Does the Programme offer focus on Employability/ Entrepreneurship/ Skill development courses? (Y/N) Y
10B List of Employability Courses:
Course Code Course Title Brief Justification
MM18001GE Numerical methods Numerical methods play a significant role in addressing the cause of employability and entrepreneurship by providing practical tools for solving complex mathematical problems and making informed decisions. 
MM 18002OE Matrix Algebra Matrix algebra is a fundamental tool in mathematics that has wide-ranging applications, and it can significantly contribute to employability and entrepreneurship. Here are several ways in which matrix algebra addresses these causes: Data Analysis and Statistics, Computer Science and Programming, Financial Analysis and Investment etc.
MM 18207DCE Mathematical Modelling This will help the students in learning to apply mathematical concepts and techniques to model and solve real-world problems from various fields such as science, engineering, social sciences, and business.
10C List of Entrepreneurship Development Courses:
Course Code Course Title Brief Justification
MM 18404CR Linear Algebra Linear algebra is widely used in computer science, data analysis, and optimization. Entrepreneurs dealing with technology-driven businesses may find courses in linear algebra useful.
MM 18001OE Calculus Calculus provides a foundation for understanding rates of change and optimization. Entrepreneurs involved in product pricing, production optimization, or revenue forecasting may find calculus beneficial.
MM 18301CR Ordinary Differential Equations Differential equations are used in modeling dynamic systems. Entrepreneurs in industries like manufacturing or logistics may benefit from understanding how to model and optimize dynamic processes.
MM18107DCE Numerical Analysis Numerical analysis courses can help entrepreneurs solve complex mathematical problems using computational methods.
10D List of Skill development Courses (Introduced in Syllabus w.e.f 2023):
Course Code Course Title Brief Justification
Course Work, Paper-I of Research Methodology Scientfic Documentation: using latex LaTeX is a typesetting system commonly used for the production of scientific and mathematical documents due to its excellent support for mathematical notation and professional document formatting. It helps in creating presentations, graphics and designing, custom document classes and styles etc.
Course Work, Paper-I of Research Methodology Matlab Learning MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) can be a valuable skill for various fields, including engineering, physics, mathematics, data science, and more. MATLAB is a powerful numerical computing environment and programming language known for its versatility in solving complex mathematical problems and analyzing data. 
Course Work, Paper-I of Research Methodology Mathematica Learning Wolfram Mathematica can be a rewarding skill, especially for individuals involved in mathematics, engineering, physics, data science, and various scientific disciplines. Mathematica is a comprehensive platform for symbolic and numerical computation, visualization, and programming.
11A Does the programme have courses addressing Professional ethics/ gender/ human values/ environment/ sustainability & other value framework enshrined in NEP2020/etc. (Y/N) Y
11B List of courses addressing Professional Ethics:
Course Code Course Title Brief Justification
Course Work of Research Scholars Course Work, Paper-I of Research Methodology  This course provide the students professionalism in their research degree, besides basic knowledge in their respective research.
11C List of courses addressing Gender Issues:
Course Code Course Title Brief Justification
MM 18410DCE Project Integrating discussions on gender issues into mathematical project work can provide a practical and meaningful context for students to explore the intersection of mathematics and gender. 
11D List of courses addressing Human Value Issues:
Course Code Course Title Brief Justification
MM 18307DCE Mathematical Biology To apply mathematical and statistical techniques including ODES/PDES, numerical methods, hypothesis testing, regression, matrices etc. in the biological systems. This course address the issues in the context of biological process and their coordination for better understand of human values.
MM 18206DCE Operation Research To equip the students with methods and trends for taking management decisions and networking. This course has applications for respecting human value system.
MM 18406DCE Mathematical Statistics To provide the students with a solid grounding in probability theory and mathematical statistics for predictions and decisions making. It can help the students for their better understanding in data analysis related to various day today situations.
11E List of courses addressing Environment Issues:
Course Code Course Title Brief Justification
MM 18207DCE Mathematical Modelling (Ecology) To provide the students a system using mathematical concepts and language for developing a mathematical model for certain day to day problems.
11F List of courses addressing Sustainability issues:
Course Code Course Title Brief Justification
MM18001GE Numerical Methods This course could focus on using numerical methods to solve environmental modeling problems. Topics may include solving partial differential equations related to climate models, pollution dispersion, and ecosystem dynamics.
MM18406DCE Mathematical Statistics Statistical methods are essential for analyzing data related to environmental changes. This course could cover statistical techniques used in environmental monitoring, climate studies, and ecological research.
11G List of courses addressing Other Value Framework enshrined in NEP2020/etc.:
Course Code Course Title Brief Justification
MM18106DCE Thoery of numbers-I The Theory of Numbers can be included in education policies to enhance mathematical education, and the value framework within these policies can shape how these mathematical concepts are approached, taught, and assessed to align with broader educational goals and values.
MM 18208DCE Integral equations This helps the students with tackling integral equations that include energy transfer, heat equation, oscillation of a string etc., that may enable them to solve different type of differential equations.
12A Does the Department/Directorate/Institute/ Centre offer Diploma Programme? (N) N
12B Details of the Diploma Programmes offered by the institutions where the students of the institution have enrolled and successfully completed during the last five years (2019-2023)
Programme Code Name of Diploma Programme Mode of Programme (Online/Offline) Year of Offering/enrolment Contact hours of course Number of students enrolled in the year Number of Students completing the course  in the year Departmental website link to the relevant document Number of students enrolled in the year
13A Does the Department/Directorate/Institute/ Centre offer Certificate Courses? (N) N
13B Details of the Certificate Courses offered by the institutions where the students of the institution have enrolled and successfully completed during the last five years (2019-2023)
Course Code Name of Certificate Course Mode of Course (Online/Offline) Year of Offering/enrolment Contact hours of course Number of students enrolled in the year Number of Students completing the course  in the year Departmental website link to the relevant document Number of students enrolled in the year
14A Does the Department/Directorate/Institute/ Centre offer Value-Added Courses? (N) N
14B Details of the Value Added Courses offered by the institutions where the students of the institution have enrolled and successfully completed during the last five years (2019-2023)
Course Code Name of Value-Added Course Mode of Course (Online/Offline) Year of Offering/enrolment Contact hours of course Number of students enrolled in the year Number of Students completing the course  in the year Departmental website link to the relevant document Number of students enrolled in the year
15A Does the Department/Directorate/Institute/ Centre offer Online Courses of MOOCs, SWAYAM/e-PG Pathshala/ NPTEL and other recognized platforms? (N) N
15B Details of  Online Courses of MOOCs, SWAYAM/e-PG Pathshala/ NPTEL and other recognized platforms where the students of the institution have enrolled and successfully completed during the last five years (2019-2023)
Course Code Name of the Course Mode of the Course- offered by the HEI or Online (Specify the platform like MOOCS, SWAYAM, etc.) Year of Offering/enrolment Contact hours of course Number of students enrolled in the year Number of Students completing the course  in the year Departmental website link to the relevant document Number of students enrolled in the year
16A Does the programme have Field Projects/ Research Projects /Internship in the programme? (Y/N) Y
16B Details of components of  Field Projects / Research Projects / Internships implemented during last five years (2019-2023)
Course Code Name of the course pertaining to field projects/ Research Projects /Internship Number of Credits Number of students undertaking course Departmental website link to the relevant document
MM 18410DCE Project Areas (s): (i). Complex Analysis (ii). Graph Theory (iii). Mathematical Biology (iv). Functional Analysis  and (v). Differential Geometry (vi). Probability theory (vii). History of Mathematics Four   Project Link
17 Any other Relevant Information: